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The climate is not sustaining, neither can the conversation.
In the ever-evolving dialogue surrounding environmental stewardship, a shift is underway. The conversation, once dominated solely by sustainability, is now expanding to include the realities outside our windows —resilience. As we navigate a world marked by climate uncertainties and unforeseen challenges, the imperative to evolve the sustainability discussion to include resilience becomes increasingly evident.
Microeconomic realities impact climate change financial resilience policy
While macroeconomic policies and initiatives play a pivotal role in addressing climate change, the collective actions and choices of individuals, households, firms, and industries at the micro level significantly impact the overall resilience of economies against the challenges posed by climate change.
The cost of repairs is rising along with the tides & rivers
Whether you receive insurance from FEMA/NFIP or private insurance, the costs to repair you home will continue to rise because of the increase cost of materials.
The risk of climate change to your personal wealth
Home equity is a critical component of building personal net worth, but many Americans live in areas at risk of severe damage or total loss from severe weather events.
A national economic imperative
The financial impact of climate change on America has only just begun to be measured. Updated models are urgently needed for measuring the full extend of losses on communities and their residents.