Podcast series
Podcast series with federal, state, and local agencies and organizations working to create communities that can be more resilient to severe weather events due to climate change.
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Featured Podcast
Moving beyond carbon offsets
Webinar led by Ken Smith detailing the background, market forces, and impact of a new form of climate offset that delivers immediate results - today: climate resilience offsets.
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WOW - The Wall of Wind
Interview with Erik Salna from Florida International University describing his research and the Wall of Wind.
Wildfire prevention in California
Interview with Michael Thayer, CWMS, Property Risk Specialist with Allied Disaster Defense about steps you can take to prevent your home from going up in flames in a wildfire.
RI Hub Startup Week Presentation; A revolution in climate action
Presentation by Ken Smith, Founder and Chairman of Climate Resilience Offsets presentation as part of the RI Hub's Startup Week.
The 5 most and least affordable states for home insurance
A look at the five states with the highest and lowest home insurance.
The Climate Resilience Superfund
Interview with Mike Pieciak, Treasurer for the State of Vermont on the recent severe weather and the new Superfund effort to get big oil to pay for repair and resilience.
Buying a home in the Florida Keys
Nancy Castle-Armstrong and Ed Armstrong always wanted to own property in Key West, Florida. But they had to consider some climate risks and insurance challenges before they bought. Listen to their journey buying a home in a high risk area.
The future of insurance in Florida.
Interview with Nick Lamparelli from the Insurance Advocacy Forum of Florida.
Updates to FEMA disaster recovery assistance
The most comprehensive updates to FEMA’s disaster recovery program have been announced and will go live in March 2024.
Hardening your home
Interview with Aris Papadopoulos from the Climate Resilience Fund on how you can make your home more resilient to severe weather.